Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 9 - Hefei

Fun in Hefei, (until Ben kicked Lianne in the ear by accident.)

Walking with our friend, Bryanna, and exploring Lord Bao park.

Noodles for lunch!

Morning exercises at the local elementary school.

Hefei is the town Lianne is from and was a great place to wake up to this morning! We have a corner room just like the room we had when we received Lianne 10 years ago. When we walked in, Michael and I could remember it like it was yesterday. 10 years ago there was a crib set up in the corner and we spent many hours in that room playing with Lianne. The revolving restaurant on the 29th floor is also a favourite place, with an incredible view of the city and where we ate breakfast every morning.

Today was a nice lazy day compared to the long days we have been having. This morning we met in the lobby of the hotel at 8:30 and headed off to a local school to spend the morning with a grade 5/6 split class. The kids took part in the morning exercises, we watched a lesson, then the children practiced their english with us and had lots of questions.

We went to a local 24 hour noodle house for lunch, then walked around Lord Bao park for the afternoon. The kids decided to enjoy the lake by going out on rolling inflatable tubes, which was quite an experience!!

We had a group dinner tonight (with too much food as always), then to the hotel pool for a swim. Off to bed early tonight, as we have a 3 hour drive to the mountains tomorrow morning.

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