Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 13 - Shanghai

Site of Expo 2010
Climbing to the top of the Lupu bridge.

Almost there!

A long way down.

What the bridge looks like on a clear day:-)

Mongolian BBQ for lunch.

Views from the bridge.

Today was a lazy day, with one family heading back to Toronto a bit early to get back to work on Monday. We started off with another amazing breakfast, then were off to climb up the Lupu bridge.
The bridge was built about 5 years ago, but has become a tourist attraction as you can climb to the top and view the whole site of Expo 2010 which will be in Shanghai from May to October this year. It was not a climb for the faint of heart, but it was a great view despite the foggy weather. I included a picture of the bridge on a sunny day so you can see what it looks like.
After the climb, we went to eat Mongolian BBQ for lunch. This is a fun way to eat, as you go along a buffet, pick everything you like (including raw meat), add the sauce, then bring it to the cooks and watch them fry it up for you.
We stopped by a market again on the way home, then back at the hotel for a swim.

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