Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 1 - Hong Kong

The weather was very foggy this day, but we enjoyed it anyway. Our first stop was at Victoria Harbour where we walked along the waterfront and saw the Hong Kong equivalent of the Walk of Fame called the Avenue of Stars. We didnt recognize too many names, but Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan both had their own star here. We then took the Star Ferry accross to the island of Hong Kong, then took a tram up to Victoria Peak to view the city. The tram ride was a lot of fun and an extremely steep ride. It almost looked like the buildings were standing sideways! The view would have been beautiful, but you can see from Laura's pictures that you couldn't see more than about 20 feet :-) We'll have to come back some day.

After the tram ride, we took the bus down from the peak and went to the ancient fishing village of Aberdeen. Here we got on a San Pan boat and toured around the fishing village. People make their homes on the boats, so touring among them was fascinating glimpse into their lives.
We toured a bit more of the island, visiting Stanley market and a nearby temple, then took the bus back to the hotel.

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