Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 10 - Huangshan Mountain

The Huangshan Mountains are also known as Yellow Mountains, and the trip was certainly worth the effort!
We left the hotel at 8:30 am, drove for 3 1/2 hours, then stopped for lunch and to meet our local guide. We planned to take the bus right up to the cable car ride, but were told the road was covered in fallen rock and we had to carry our luggage for about half an hour up the road which must have been quite comical, as we were rolling along with our suitcases. Walking by the fallen rock, we were glad we didnt drive up as 1/2 the road had given way!
The cable car ride was about 15 minutes of breathtaking views, and carried us to a spot about 1/2 an hour away from the hotel. The hike up to the hotel was steep so, THANKFULLY, the guide oganized porters to carry our luggage to the hotel.
We finally arived at the hotel at 3 pm. After settling in, we explored more of the paths - I've never climbed so many stairs! The sky was incredibly blue and it was about 14 degrees. The paths and steps are all paved or carved into the granite and you cannot go off them (they need to protect the gnarled pine trees in the area) but they take you through the mountains and at every turn was another incredible view.
We are off to the peak tomorrow, so need to rest up tonight!

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