Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 6 – Chengdu

The Buddha is huge! We are copying all the other tourists here with these crafty shots :-)

On the boat to get a better view.

Last night we arrived quite late, so quickly settled into the hotel and finally slept right through until our 7 am wake up call even though each hotel seems to be providing harder and harder beds. I swear these beds are only the box springs :-)
The buffet breakfasts have proven to be as popular as ever. We never know what we may be eating later in the day, so the kids have been filling up at breakfast and even make themselves a sandwich for later, just in case!
Today, we piled on the bus at 9 am for a 3 hour bus ride to the Leshan Buddha, the largest Buddha in the world. The Buddha is carved into the side of the mountain and you can climb all around to see him. We certainly got our workout today! We also took a boat ride to get a better view from the water, which was great as some of our group were not up for the hike to see him from the top.
The ride back was long, but the kids are all getting along great, and sit at the back of the bus sharing stories and games.
We are off on another long bus ride tomorrow to visit the pandas so I’m packing snacks tonight and making sure all our technology is fully charged! Laura and Lianne have taken over 1000 photos so far, and I’m sure tomorrow will be another big day.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having an amazing family vacation seeing lots of both everyday and touristy spots. Looking forward to seeing some more of those 1000 photos the girls have taken once you have better internet connectivity. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date.
