Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 8 - Chengdu

Today was our last day in Chengdu. We had a lazy morning as we didn't have to get on the bus until 9:30 am!
We headed off to the Shu Silk Embroidery Factory where we saw how they made silk from the cocoons of Silk Worms, then wove it on giant looms to make the brocade fabric that Chengdu is famous for. The children tried to stretch the silk worm threads and realized how incredibly strong the fibre is!! We purchased a beautiful piece of embroidery that we'll frame when we get home.

After that we went to Jin Li Ancient Street. This is an open air market surrounded by beautiful pathways and goldfish ponds. Many decorations from Chinese New Year still decorate the trees. People tie red cards in the trees with their family name written on them for good luck. Cherry blossoms are starting to bloom and music fills the air. The girls did very well in their shopping and we managed to get some pretty good deals.

We left the market at 4 in order to catch our next flight to Hefei at 6:30. Unfortunately, the flight was delayed until 8:30, so we arrived in Hefei quite late and got to bed around midnight. The service from Air China though is quite a bit better than Air Canada. With the delay, they brought out dinner for everyone. We all enjoyed the meal, which was a beef dish, rice, corn and tripe. Michael enjoyed the tripe until he realized that tripe was NOT a type of fish, but stomach lining!!

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