Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 3 – Hong Kong

Downtown Hong Kong

Walls of goldfish in the Goldfish market. Shops like these line the streets for 2 blocks.

The flower market was incredible.

Orchids for the equivalent of $3. Wish we could bring some home!!

Cages like these hang from every tree along the bird market.

The girls enjoy spending some time with this parrot.
A very kind man allowed every girl in the group a chance to hold it.

The Bird Market

Thanks to Maryann and Tao Tao, we found our way back to the hotel on the subway!

A last look at the Hong Kong Harbour.

The sun was shining!! It was a beautiful morning and we headed out on our own to see the sights. We walked through flower markets, bird markets, goldfish markets, and regular street markets. After checking out of the hotel, we headed off again, walking over two hours through city streets and parks to get a feel for the city. We made it down to the harbour again to look across at Hong Kong island and then decided to brave the Hong Kong subway. Luckily we were with a true Torontonian subway veteran, and we made our way back to the hotel easily.
We were in the lobby at 4:30 to make our way to the airport, and arrived in Guilin at 10 pm. Can’t wait to see the mountains in the morning!

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